Photography studio specialised in real estate shooting

A photographic service focused on architecture and interiors, mixing the two great passions of its manager (photography and architecture), with her experience in the real estate world.
My functions:
- Brand design
- Web UI design
- CSS Layout

Brand design
With a very different proposal within its sector it was necessary to consider how to communicate its essence from the first visual impact.
We looked for a visual expression of the brand that would easily and simply transmit the concepts we wanted to make clear, and from this we came up with an icon that combines two symbols that define the basic elements of its work.
Adding to this an understated colour palette with a colour highlight that evokes light – their main working tool – we get a sober but striking brand image.

Web design & development
For the design of the website we opted for a clean interface where their photographic work could take the lead role.
Looking for a good typographic contrast and a lot of empty space, a website was built to explain their services and show a portfolio of their photographic work.
With the interface design approved, we moved on to the web layout phase, generating the CSS layouts.
Once again I teamed up with Jdevelopia, who took care of the development of a custom-made WordPress theme, creating all the structure to manage the contents (Custom Post Types, Custom fields, customised Gutenberg blocks, etc.) as well as taking care of the interactions through modal windows, contact forms, content filtering, etc.