Visual effects studio conceived as a one-stop shop for filmmakers

Their business model offered striking visual results and simplicity in the production process. So those were the values chosen to generate the visual brand: simplicity and visual impact.
My functions:
- Brand design
- Web UI design
- CSS layout
- Custom WordPress theme
Date of completion:
May 2018

Brand design
At the beginning of the project, the naming was clear and, being based on a single four-letter term, it gave the opportunity to use a solid typography with a tall box and a lot of weight.
Simplicity and visual impact were already a maxim in our design process, so it was decided to give life to a simple brand with high saturation and contrast in the colours.

With the visual brand and its basic applications clear, the studio’s internal needs were addressed, such as providing all its employees with branded materials in recognition of their talent.
Among other materials, different T-shirt designs were created for the different teams within the audiovisual production process (modelling, environments, rendering, etc.).

Web design and development
For the corporate website, the elements of visual impact were applied to a flat interface with a lot of empty space.
A custom WordPress theme was created and a data structure was developed to manage the studio’s content in its initial phase, but with all the scalability that the company would later need in terms of online presence.