Performance-focused personal trainer

Starting his own business, this personal trainer needed a brand image that would convey his work philosophy while helping him to stand out in his sector.
My functions:
- Brand design
- Web UI design
- Custom WordPress theme

Brand design
Various proposals were explored by investigating how to reflect the strengths of their way of working in a brand image that could define their activity.
Finally, an anagram was chosen which, in addition to forming his initials, reveals among its shapes some icons of the activities he usually trains in (running, swimming).
For the use of colour, a high contrast was applied, with a very saturated and eye-catching highlight colour.

Web design and development
For the website the emphasis was on colour contrast in a clean and minimalist interface.
It was necessary to expose in a simple and understandable way its different training plans together with calls to action so that users could be interested in each of the plans and thus capture leads.
Then I created a custom-made WordPress theme based on Gutenberg with special attention to leads capture and ease of editing and adding content in the future.